
Technical days, workshops, forums, trade shows, international missions, BtoB meetings, digital events (webinars, digital confabs)... Check out the ALPHA-RLH events calendar.


RF Connect' In Limoges - 5G/6G: technical challenges and innovations

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2nd meeting on financing innovative companies

4/17/25 12:00 am

Forum Emploi & Industries Aéronautique - Spatial - Défense #2ème édition

5/16/25 12:00 am

Cybersecurity: securing your IoT electronic product and your production tool

3/19/25 12:00 am

Les rendez-vous de l'électronique en Nouvelle-Aquitaine: eco-design of electronic products

2/4/25 12:00 am

Webinar Creactive - bridging creactivity, cultural and technology sectors

1/28/25 10:30 am

Conference: Strategic challenges of the IRIS² program

1/20/25 12:00 am

Laser World of Photonics

6/24/25 12:00 am

International Paris Air Show

6/16/25 12:00 am

DATA4NRJ: Data for energy networks

2/13/25 12:00 am

2d International Photonics Talent Summer School

7/15/25 12:00 am

BIPSA: advances and prospects for new technologies in medical imaging

2/5/25 12:00 am

RF Connect' In Limoges - 5G/6G: technical challenges and innovations

3/26/25 12:00 am

Smart Buildings & Mobilities

2/13/25 12:00 am

Photonics West 2025

1/28/25 12:00 am

Electric mobility: challenges and solutions for the region

3/18/25 12:00 am

ALPHA-RLH 2025 Members' Forum

6/5/25 12:00 am
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2nd meeting on financing innovative companies

4/17/25 12:00 am

Forum Emploi & Industries Aéronautique - Spatial - Défense #2ème édition

5/16/25 12:00 am

Cybersecurity: securing your IoT electronic product and your production tool

3/19/25 12:00 am

Les rendez-vous de l'électronique en Nouvelle-Aquitaine: eco-design of electronic products

2/4/25 12:00 am

Webinar Creactive - bridging creactivity, cultural and technology sectors

1/28/25 10:30 am

Conference: Strategic challenges of the IRIS² program

1/20/25 12:00 am

Laser World of Photonics

6/24/25 12:00 am

International Paris Air Show

6/16/25 12:00 am

DATA4NRJ: Data for energy networks

2/13/25 12:00 am

2d International Photonics Talent Summer School

7/15/25 12:00 am

BIPSA: advances and prospects for new technologies in medical imaging

2/5/25 12:00 am

RF Connect' In Limoges - 5G/6G: technical challenges and innovations

3/26/25 12:00 am

Smart Buildings & Mobilities

2/13/25 12:00 am

Photonics West 2025

1/28/25 12:00 am

Electric mobility: challenges and solutions for the region

3/18/25 12:00 am

ALPHA-RLH 2025 Members' Forum

6/5/25 12:00 am