
Informing, supporting scientific and technological dissemination, helping partnerships and projects emerge, fostering business networking, supporting its members internationally and, of course, federating an entire ecosystem - these are the objectives of ALPHA-RLH cluster events.

In order to address the subjects of all its areas of technological expertise and application markets, the cluster organizes or participates in the organization of some fifty face-to-face or digital events every year: technical days / workshops, trade shows, international missions, BtoB meetings, digital events (webinars, digital confabs)....

150 to 200 speakers, over 100 exhibitors, 30 to 40 sponsors are invited to showcase their skills each year at events organized by the cluster, which is recognized for its expertise in this field. Discover the agenda of upcoming events.



events per year

Picto members


participants per year

picto key player

technical days, workshops

picto magnifier

Trade shows, conferences and international missions

picto nouvelle aquitaine

digital events

Member testimonials

Testimony of Hippolyte Philippon, Kreon Technologies




Events and Marketing Manager

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